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Ahlibayth - Family of the House


Is mentioned in the Quran and shahi hadith. Ahli Bayth means people/family of the House and is used to speak to the family of the Prophet in the Qur'an.  In the Quran Surah Al Ahzab 33:33, Allah declares a purification on the family of the House of the Prophet(sws).


  • The Prophet (sws) recited 33:33 in front of Ali (a.s.) and Fatimah (a.s.) house - several mornings.

  • The Christians of Najeran: The Quran verse 03:59 was revealed to the Messenger of Allah. -----A verse about Jesus(as) and Adam(as). Both were servants created by Allah, not sons.

  • When they still disagreed, Allah revealed to the Prophet - Quran 03:61; calling both the Muslims and Christians to bring their people.

  • The Prophet(as) brought Ali, Fatimah, Hassan and Hussein (a.s.)

'Farewell Pilgrimage:

Qur'an verse 5:67 was revealed to the Prophet at Ghadir Khum.

  • Ali was nominated by the Prophet as the Mawla (master-close associate who manages, important affairs) of all Muslims.

  • The Prophet told the community to hold on to the Ahlibayth, the Quran and Sunnah, that would never separate until they met him at khauthur, the divine fountain-spring in heaven.

  • When the speech was complete, the Quran verse 5:3 was revealed to the Messenger of Allah. It declared the completion of religion.

  • The Hadiths of Ghadir Khum are accepted as sahihi-good, by all schools of fiqh.

  • And among the most authentic hadiths because of the many people there for the Pilgrimage.

  • In Hadith -The Prophet said, Ali was like Aaron(as) and he-Muhammad was like Moses(as). Except(but) there would be no Prophethood after him- Rassullallah the final Prophet of Allah.

Al Sunnah and Al Shiite agree:

  • There are no Prophets after Nabi Muhammad the true only and final, messenger.

  • There is only one Quran and it is the same as was sent to the messenger of Allah.

  • No Man/Wombman after the Prophet hold the status of the Prophet.

Lineage: Some say the family of the Prophet include his Wives and others. All lineage descent from the Messenger(sws) of Allah is from the Lineage of Hazrat Hussein(as).
Purified: The Quran declares the AhliBayth purified-- The true meaning is with Allah. What is important is they can inspire Muslims to know people lived who represented the Prophets true sunnah and people could trust their knowledge. 

'Modern Scholars of the 4 schools of fiqh have declared that the main schools in belief and practice are of Shiite Islam are acceptable by the Pure standards of faith Muslims are to believe.

There is no separate history of Islam. Both Al Sunnah and Al Shia mostly accept the same history but differ in their interpretation of events and meanings.

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