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Change in Earnings:

People who work at locations that use Zakat money as a source of income/funding -- will be affected by the Zakat being directed to the Project.

  • They can be paid through the Community with Zakat Project. Through a structured income.

  • This Project was not intended to directly solve problems with how Zakat is spent  by institutions but it is possibly that it could help Muslims begin to use Zakat money more correctly. The Project is not to investigate or reveal the financial history of Masjids/Programs and will likely not have that information.


In this emergency situation many Muslims are choosing to direct their funding to the Community with Zakat Project. For the Project to work the Zakat Money will be used to create the community structures and services and resources that will be able to create and make money and be sustainable.


  • After collection of all Zakat money and after annual salary for workers, materials for the Project, transport and other important Project Need. The full wage of workers at Masjid, Institutions and Organization can be reviewed for immediate payment.

  • If immediate payment is not possible payment in a short time early in the Project could be possible from the Project earnings.

  • Large differences in a pay in comparison to the work title could in fairness require a correction in pay because the source was originally from zakat.

  • The Project will seek methods-options to reduce bills, have less debt, reduce debt and better ability to use earnings.



  • Any pay that staff that work at Masjids/Institution and organization do not make in 2018 because of Muslims choosing to use their Zakat for community needs will be payable incrementally over a set period of time.​ It can be paid through the Community with Zakat Project. Through a structured income: 

  • That support community methods for providings/provisions for housing, transport and a monthly wage payment.

  • The structure will report tax information like regular work structures.


  • Staff can apply online with a short form to be acknowledged by the staffing system(to be built). And then their Work time and pay entered and payed through the salary payment system.


Incremental with no Connection to Project and no apply:


Masjids, Institutions and Organization affected by the Change in funding by the Zakat directed to the Project;  that do not want to be linked directly with the Project. Can be paid using a structured income. 

  •  The difference from Monthly is that it is a annual payment of the structured income. A person that stays employed at the same work could get the annual structured payment as a 1 time each year annual payment - Until their Earning for 

  • The Project will pay all official workers their true earnings for 2018 over a set period of time.


Workers will send their most recent tax forms, w2 forms or other information to prove how much they usually are paid. The Physical copy of the original form should have all information completely covered over with a black marker. Except tax, dates of payment and Name. The Community with Zakat Project will respect privacy of information. And will not give (within reason) information for use in any reports against the person/group/institution. No records will be held. 

  • Keep readable the Staff name in all places it appears.  the Federal and state tax amount should be readable. The dates of payment should be readable. Payments amounts on the copy of the form should be marked over.

  • People have to report how much they receive from the Project on their annual tax-return.


Standard of living: The community respect people want to continue a standard of living that their past earning provided this is a emergency situation. Some earning were paid correctly. And others possibly not correct or wrong/unjust. This Project was not  intended to solve problems with how Zakat is spent but it is possible that it could help Muslims begin to use Zakat money more correctly. The Project is not to investigate of reveal the financial history of Masjids/Programs and will likely not have that information.

  • The Project have methods to reduce bills, have less debt, reduce debt and better ability to use earnings.


Community unit:  This could be a opportunity for Muslims to find unity commanded in Islam.

  • ​The structures created are designed as general use structures funded by the collective Muslims community in a State. Any Muslims/Others can use the services and structures with respect to agreed beliefs in Islam.

  • Muslim institution can choose to use structures and services, coordinate goals and resources, affiliate, join future projects and other.


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