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Healing from Harmful Influences:
Enjoining the good/Nurturing Good: prevention - Islam support pure environments. That every man wombman and people can have the best ability avoid sin, corruption and abuse in life. And can help people heal from victimization/abuse. Help people stop corrupt ways and character. Repent from harm of others and work for good. This is not about being sheltered. False ideas: Magic, vision/emotionalism as power over others. Islam teach people to not follow superstition, ego/arrogant or illogical ways of thinking.

In the time of the Prophet people came from many experiences. People did not hid their struggles, times of emotional/mental vulnerability of faults. Including fears of magic, supernatural influence, Jinn other. People talked about their troubles trusted in the guidance of the Messenger of Allah and the guidance in the Quran on how to stop abusing their self and others.

Safe food: Magic rituals/fluids/sex; poison safe food is part of trust, love and respect in families. The community will talk about problems in families, cultural accepted ways of thinking.

Solutions: Teaching people it is not a part of culture,  it is wrong, teach children it is wrong before and after they reach sexual maturity. And lesson for adults at school and work can help adult learn it is wrong to poison/taint or practice magic with food. cooking classes can help people feel for adults can include Men and Wombman married partners preparing meals together. Mature children or family watching meal preparation. Private cameras in many places the Kitchen that can be viewed by family to make sure food is safe.

of character. From illness/poor health, abuse, abandonment, violent-temper, anger, manipulation, practice of cult/magic. Against abuse - physical, mental, sexual. 

Development-abuse: stop people reaching-goals/stages, rape, protect from zina/and anti chastity cultures.

Support Healing victimization: and social corruption and troubles. In work, Edu, Masjid and other. Help people balance/heal themselves and family.
LGBT other: Lesbian/Gay(homosexual), Bisexual, Transgender - Allah created each Man-WombMan knowing their life challenges and created all to be able to succeed in life and have faith. All people were created to worship Allah and submitting to the command of the only creator. And can choose to marry the opposite sex/raise children. Community can help by making Individuals and family know what the Quran and the hadith (that can be proven correct) say about sexual identity and that in both there is love, kindness and moderation(balance) to teach all people that their true identity a soul is created to worship Allah. That the will power to choose is in their control and Allah 's guidance for how to live is the perfect guidance.

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