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Sects Schools of Fiqh

Sect/Schools of Fiqh: The Scholarly Group that provide their services to the Community could come from many different sects. Many Scholars have already agreed that the 4 schools of fiqh and some branches of the Shiite schools of fiqh are acceptable within standard beliefs and practices of Islam. Most other schools or communities that exist come out of the mentioned fiqh schools or known adjoining schools Suffism and other. This should be talked about openly and decided on how scholar will be accepted in the community structure.


----All Agree to accept and unify around standard beliefs in Islam. Services and structures open to all Muslims. To respect differences. Groups workout how to share common prayers. Other halal-services and education and talks can use halls of the needed size.


Imam-Scholar group: Imam scholars come from different ethnic groups and schools of fiqh. The General community structure built including Masjid will have available work for people in these titles. And the Masjid and other structure will give support and space to Imams/sheiks/Scholar working with the general community. And have open policy for Scholars, institution and community leaders and common people who want to teach classes, give lesson, presentations, services, and ceremonies using the Masjid or other structures.

Scholar Offices: will be a united office with shared offices for Imams/sheikhs/scholar from different ethnic groups/nationalities and schools of fiqh. People with the title of scholar-Sheikhs//Imam provide guidance to all Muslims and others. They will rotate their position with other scholars of their ethnic group and some time people of their nation but will or can still be available for help/guidance and other services the community provide like guide the prayers, services, khutbas, any form of education, or lesson including Arabic, seminars, lectures, marriage, marriage counseling, family counseling and help, ceremonies, death and burial, emergency help/assistance, language help and national work with their home nation/other.
----The General community is open to all Muslims.
----The General community will allow for many people to actually apply their scholarly and or Islamic learning and for many regular people to help.
----In the Community of the Messenger of Allah each village could have had a Imam, scholarly group and people who assisted them. Many times the 
Sahabba were
a general group of people who achieved scholarly knowledge and were not a structured group that studied exclusively at institutions. They gave respect to the knowledge of those who had achieved it but still worked together equally.

----What this means is some Sahabba were highly knowledgeable in all duties, Other could be skilled enough to give guidance and hadith, kutba, others were skilled enough to guide a common prayer and others did other work.


A Imam or scholar of Islam: is a Man or Wombman(more limited) with recognized education in the study of Islam, the Quran, Hadith and history. Many people have education or skill at other levels. The difference is some works could need a person with the identified title and other works could be generally open to All Muslims by their true skill/knowledge level or ability to do the work. Imams and scholar/ people studying to be scholar etc: Will share rotation of duties that they apply for or are invited to provide. Any individual able can guide a Jamaat as long as a Jamaat for the standard prayer, a know scheduled prayer, or a special prayer is not to begin. Many people skilled can leed many other forms of prayer and discussion, lectures, seminars, classes, training, services and many other and the Masjid should be open to liberality.


Schools of Fiqh: Most school will not say their school has the perfect truth instead the schools by the opinion of the founding Imams off the 4 other schools of fiqh gave their opinion on correct Practices each attempting to get closer to how Nabi Muhammad(sws) practices Islam and how it is commanded to be followed in the Quran. Islam is perfect and Muslims work to know how best to believe and practice their faith as close and true to what is commanded in the Quran and the true Sunnah of the Prophet.


Administrative Earnings: In the time of the Prophet it appears most of the Sahabbah gained their money from working other Jobs then gave time to community responsibility. The Administrative group(community management) including Imam/scholars could work in many occupations available in the community and when their rotation for Masjid duties arrive; they are rotated in for the season. People invited could also receive a wage or a payment for specific work/duties/services. And people can invite scholars/Imams to do services/work and pay them.

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