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Secular Culture the Magic of Babel

----- The problem is the world has been put through decades of organized social agendas to create the modern world; to take control of resources and make people work for the ruling systems. Many times even those fighting against the ruling group are used to push forward their goal. And those who resist the system - destroyed and defamed. Muslims have both submitted to the oppressive powers and have also accepted the cultural corruption that has destroyed family and community. Only the simple and clear Islam found in the Quran can give Muslims true freedom again. ---- Much of the world follow sexual cultures and traditions that use initiation (secrecy) to keep their practices within groups. Many time the practices of the culture are called the mystery schools or mystery religion. Metaphysics, Esoteric(hidden) practices. In the Quran, it is called the Magic of Babel and by many other simple explanations so that all people can know the truth. Muslims are not to practice these beliefs or accept its ways of life. In the Quran the Children of Israel did similarly. When the many nations followed/ practiced the metaphysical cultures they chose to worship Allah and not follow the cultural practices for managing the supernatural connection of the mind(Jinn like) and having the ability in lineage. After the Prophet, Many people continued these practices following secrete cultures that supported mass slavery and restrictive cultures that divide people by their lineage for ethnic/color/gender/economic class/cast social control in society.


Many classic scholars until the 20th century speak of being initiated into the higher science(metaphysical sciences). Ibn Battuta in his travels found Muslims who practiced belief; when questioned, they told him that they were able to join their old beliefs with Islam. He was then often threatened if he continued his complaints and was even put in prison. Many times cultures practice secrete group of initiation and the control of resources, marriage sex/relationship that people within the group do not challenge the culture. And in this way each generation is false guided into the same problem as the one before. Andalusia, ruling states of North Africa, Fatimid, Safavid and the Ottoman and many other land and powers practiced the culture in its highest forms sometimes devoid of Islam and in some lands Muslim, Jews and Christians made their faith into a secular culture following astrological and metaphysical culture; they justified drinking alcohol, unlawful sex and using others to fight their wars, games of war, and woman the spoils. Ruling groups also used the Mystery religion as a science for control of societies. Ruling groups in most all land look at the life of common people as class and casts to be used as needed; sacrificed on battlefields and in social agenda plans. And used campaigns of fear and superstition including fears of the end times. Including events of Massacre and destruction. People many times did nothing during events of their own massacre because of the confusion and superstition created by the continued practice of mystery-religion.


This is social mind control, used ancient past and modern time. The culture give words many other meanings many people called the way the Phoenician(Canaanites who followed mystery religion) and the Colonist who followed mystery initiation group many people called the way they spoke the white man's lies. A deceptive way of speech us to trick people and take what they had or manipulate them. During talk/khutba a speaker using the language could say Aa-La means Wombman/ the metaphysical connected mind, or say  Profit- money or benefit.  It divides people those who know the speaker is talking about the Metaphysical culture(Jinn like connection) and the unaware who think the speaker is talking about Allah the Creator or the Prophet(not profit) Nabi Muhammad(sws). The intention of the speaker could be to challenge the culture by sarcastically showing how the culture false guides people to believe in its power. But people who are aware could still mistakenly be confused and begin to believe in the metaphysical power as the source of religion. And speaking in the language can teach people to obey the culture and divides Muslims. Allah is not a part of existence not energy, or the connected mind of people Allah is the creator of all existence beyond existence.

The Quran says: speak the best of speech. Listen respond to the best/purest/most logical meaning in talk. To not form or be a part of secret groups. And warn that secret group are from the Shaytan. Not to practice of magic (sex rituals other). The Quran says the Magic of Babel and other corruptions separates Man and Wombman married partners and in the past and present the culture deprives people of marriage, trust and unity between man and wombman because of hatred, superstition, greed for power control and influence over other, greed to fulfill their sexual desires. Muslims communities Must reject such beliefs. Many Muslims in their traditional cultures follow these practices for the connected mind experience, benefits to their sexual life and for the following of metaphysical cultures. Muslims are commanded to live by the Pure and simple guidance in
the Quran not to divide into races, ethnic groups, sects. And All Muslims unite as a people. None being superior to the other. tricking all people to practice the magic of babel by making it a way of life.


-----In modern times Electronic sources: could be used to create /strengthen the mind(metaphysical) connection. Including implanting people with technology, injecting people with substance and additives in food and medicine. Muslims know of Gov/ other efforts to link Muslims with crime/defaming events. And metaphysical practice and social culture to influence harmful act and thoughts, not feeling in control, under influence: abuse, sex, fear to control people. And social-mind control in secular culture. Traditional cultures past and present follow similar ideas and false guide many. Family/communities have been harmed and taken out of faith. People should not ignore this evil reality. Muslims must face it like Prophet(sws) and believe Allah is the all and only power. This it is an emergency situation and Muslims have to put aside biases, fears, betrayals, sect differences to protect self and family from the corruption in the Ummah, community and from secular and other social agendas. The Sahabbah are a good example for both people born in and coming to Islam. Some used their experiences and dedication to faith past to accept the truth of Islam. The companions and their families in the Messenger of Allah (sws) community did not treat their former ways of living or sins forgiven. To not return to wrong if difficulty occur. Man and Wombman made their transformation repentance/ to serve only Allah. A healthy community will support and stop corruption/abuse in families; safety. Help people heal from victimization and support families. Healthy marriage and children. Muslims fear only Allah want the good only Allah control in this life and in the life to come and fear the hell fire.

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